It’s such a powerful thing that can stop you in your tracks: Overwhelm
I’ve had it myself, sometimes, in the past, but those memories are from days gone by
More recently I witness it in others.
Whether its in a work situation, when they think the world is falling in, and it just takes a calm mind to steer the ship through the turbulent times
Or in my family life when others around me are carrying huge amounts on their shoulders
Whatever the situation, overwhelm, from my perspective, is quite an easy fix
There’s three steps to be able to be the master of your own mind, andnot let it control you –
The first step is to breathe, and ground yourself, and know you’re going to be ok
Second is to get things out of your head, because overwhelm, simply, is your brain not being able to cope with everything that’s trying to rush through it
Think of a blocked water pipe that’s about to blow
Too much water building up, trying to get through a pipe that isn’t ready for what’s to come
That’s your brain, trying to process everything at once, and it literally can’t
So the simplest way to fix it is to get things out of your head
Either in conversation with someone you trust, just to let the water flow
You could write in a journal
You can type
You can even chat to chat gpt nowadays, just to get things out of your head
Now the water is flowing, and you’re starting to regain control of your mind, you want to move into the third part:
I’ll talk about that next, but if you or someone you know gets into this state, what I’ve shared above will help you keep moving…
Helping you scale yourself through: AutomationWorx ( )