
Today’s note is for you if you’re a parent…

I’ve just finished listening to a great podcast –

It’s “We Can Do Hard Things” by Glenn Doyle

And it’s all about: Breaking Cycles and reparenting yourself

Link is here –

The episode description covers it nicely:

  1. The 3 most important things to say to your kids and partners every day.
  2. Why our kids trigger us – and a fail-proof strategy to use when you’re triggered.
  3. Why “poorly-behaved kids” can be a sign of good parenting.
  4. How to break family cycles by rewiring the way we were raised.
  5. How to use Internal Family Systems to heal ourselves.

As a dad working on being the best version of me, this brought up many examples of things I can do better, every day with my girls, and if you’re looking to be the best version of you for your kids, have a listen, and let me know what comes up for you!!

Hope it helps


p.s. The first step of getting better at anything is making the time – if you’re looking for help with that, let me know, and I’ll send you over my mini Reclaim Time training, which will get you started on getting hours back each week

That’ll help you spend more time on the things that are most important to you (like your kids)

(And if you’ve already asked for the time audit, it’s on its way to you shortly!!)

Speak soon!