I’ve just put my pen down…
Is it me, or when you write a lot with your pen, you think you’re back in school in an exam?
Maybe just less the sweaty palms?
Or the knowing that tonights writing might actually come to something?
Brainstorming 50
I was brainstorming headlines for a client – I’m writing copy to help fill a primary school that I’m really passionate about.
Why? Because i’ve never seen such a great place for young minds to develop…
…aside from that though, while I was working through the headline creation, I turned to one of the masters of copywriting to help me along a little – he’s not with us anymore, which is a shame, but I could (and do) read Gary Halberts letters time and time again, to look for ideas and inspiration while I’m writing.
If you’re wanting to get better at writing or marketing, then don’t argue, just go here: The Gary Halbert Letter
One of his letters hit home today – He talks about testing quickly. Get in and out of a market with an idea with as little cost as possible, because 9 out of 10 ideas won’t work – he likens it to digging lots of little holes looking for water, when someone else will pick one and keep digging.
I think I getcha Gary.
I’ve been trying lots of things – 50 is likely the number of ideas tried so far, never mind the headlines just tonight, and making progress in some places, but nothing has made an impact more quickly than my new fast track.
I’ll keep diggin’ new holes, but the latest hole may just be filling up the quickest: Fast Track from Jamie McKean
How many holes have you been diggin’ lately? Shout if you need help…
Bye for now,
p.s. I wonder if they have google alerts in the sky? – if they do, I hope I’ve quoted you right Gary.
p.p.s. the Fast Track is open to pilot members at the moment, with pilot prices, so if it looks like it’d help you save hours and hours and make oodles too, then get in quick before this gets expensive: Fast Track from Jamie McKean